MetalCloak Dealer Vermont New England Jeep Modifications


Metalcloak Dealer Vermont New England Jeep Modifications
MetalCloak Dealer Vermont New England Jeep Modifications

MetalCloak was founded in 2006, as Rev111, and they took the Jeeping community by storm. They created the first and only Arched Tube Fender for the Jeep TJ, achieving High-Line clearance without having to cut stock fenders or the hood. In 2009, they changed their name to MetalCloak and expanded parts from the CJ-5 to the JK. In 2010, Metalcloak entered the Suspension market with the revolutionary 6pak Shock System and the Duroflex Joint, the first high-misalignment vibration-dampening joint.

MetalCloak is a company of Game-Changers. If you want the best of the best, look no further than MetalCloak for lifts, fenders, body armor, bumpers, and rack systems. Here at F.K. Inc Off-Road, we highly recommend MetalCloak and everything they offer for your Jeep, truck, and 4x4 vehicle.

F. K. Off-Road is your local MetalCloak dealer. We can install MetalCloak’s premier parts in your off-road rig. Call our experienced sales team today to figure out what modifications you want to install.